Blob Monster: A good chunk of the work force of the Department of Industrial Pollution is comprised of sentient masses of tar, including the Sorrow, Gordon Grimes.They did not take away his skills with his scythe, and he's perfectly capable of showing his subordinates why he's the boss. Badass Adorable: You wouldn't think the trope would apply to the Grim Reaper himself, but years of office work have shrunk him down to chibi proportions.Animate Inanimate Object: Vengeful documents, pharmaceuticals and hangman's nooses are among the workforce of Death Incorporated.All Love Is Unrequited: Pump Quinn has an extremely obvious crush on Death, but he shows no interest in her.Catherine Imamura, Sorrow of Natural Disasters, is a water elemental with power over the weather. Waldo, Sorrow of Toxic Food-Processing, is the mascot of a fast food company who cares more about the unchecked growth of the franchise over the well being of its customers, preferring that they keep buying their unhealthy food until they drop dead from heart failure or other related complications of obesity.Major Warren Pliskhan, Sorrow of Modern Warfare, is a crazed army general obsessed with weaponry and mass destruction.Maxxx, Sorrow of Addictions, is a crazed, masked humanoid, powered by his substance abuse.This can cause infections in blood, urinary tract, lungs, wounds, and other body parts. Lesser known is a bacteria called CRAB, also known as Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, found in mud and water.Hector Krank, Sorrow of Physical Illness, is a Mad Scientist crab - an odd choice, until you remember what the crab represents in horoscopes.and see his Red Right Hand and eye covered/swollen with tumor-like corruption.Gordon Grimes, Sorrow of Industrial Pollution, is a giant mass of tar/oil with a sleazy personality.Allegorical Character: Each Sorrow embodies a particular aspect of their department.Addiction-Powered: Maxxx, the Sorrow in charge of the Addictions Department, fights you and teleports by pumping a syringe that's lodged in his chest.20 Minutes into the Future: If the lore entries are to be believed (specifically Harriet's entry), then the game takes place somewhere in the 22nd Century.Have A Nice Death includes examples of the following tropes: Not to be confused with the trope of the same name.
The game entered Early Access on March 8th, 2022, and the full version released on Mait can be found on Steam. Have A Nice Death is a side-scrolling 2D Platforming Roguelite by French creators Magic Design Studios, the creators of Unruly Heroes in the vein of Hollow Knight and Dead Cells, Death must hack and slash through a hauntingly whimsical world, using his trusty scythe and an arsenal of dark magic. With the world and company in chaos (and his plans for a vacation in Bora Bora rapidly disappearing), it's up to the Reaper to grab his scythe and take his company back from the Sorrows, one swing at a time. This led to them intentionally flowing more souls than necessary and going well beyond the quotas needed, causing havoc in the living world - and Death Inc.

They grew arrogant in their positions and began completely ignoring company protocols to brag about how many souls they could reap. You see, once Death got too busy to oversee them directly, the Sorrows let the power go to their heads. Only to get slowly burnt out as he became subsumed by a tidal wave of postmortem paperwork. The plan worked perfectly: they collected the souls, and all he had to do was sit back and stamp the documents brought to his desk… and have the Sorrows - powerful death spirits responsible for causing and overseeing different kinds of deaths - go and do all of the busywork for him. Over time, Death grew weary of his job, and his “scythe elbow” got worse. Long before Death had an extensive payroll of posthumous office workers to help in his labors, he did things the old-fashioned way, pruning the dead one soul at a time.