The Basics on Irrigating Seashore Paspalum m) per year, careful application scheduling in a spoon-feeding approach or via fertigation is essential to minimize puffiness, thatch buildup, and potential scalping problems in some m) in humid tropical regions with high rainfall and year round growing seasons.

But N requirements are site specific and can vary by use.

Seashore paspalum can thrive on as little as 2lbs. In general, seashore paspalum requires less nitrogen for fertilization than bermudagrass. The following section offers a comprehensive library of best practices for seashore paspalum management. When it comes to seashore paspalum management, treat paspalum like paspalum. For best results, forget what you know about managing bermudagrass. While seashore paspalum is not necessarily difficult to manage, its management requirements are different than that of bermudagrass - even though both grasses are warm-season species, fine-textured turfgrassess used on golf courses, sports fields and lawns. Seashore paspalum has critical and distinct irrigation requirements, unique herbicide tolerances and requirements, a higher salinity tolerance, and varied disease and insect pressures than bermudagrass. Professor and Turfgrass Extension Specialist